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Jiaotong University Computer Association winter vacation assignment

LEGACY WARNING: This article was written when the author was 21 years old. The content mentioned might be immature or outdated, please evaluate accordingly.
This article has been translated using machine translator. It may not perfectly capture the nuances of the original text. I appreciate your understanding in this matter.
  • All members must choose one of the questions in any set to do.
  • All new officers must choose one question from each of the two groups.
  • Those who wish to run for election for minister must choose one question from any three groups.

Assignments are handed in in the third week after school starts, so there is plenty of time for processing and revision after school starts.

Computer technology

Topic 1 Happy winter vacation

Description: There will be a lot of knowledge during the winter vacation, let's use the computer to show it to more friends.

Requirements: Use any way (Flash, blog, website, PPT) to organize pictures and text of what happened during your winter vacation.

Guidance: Flash can be made by using the software to make FlashBook, Blog can be searched and created on the Internet, the website can be made using website generation tools such as Oriental Web King, PPT is using Office PowerPoint production.

Presented by: XXX

Topic 2 Software Research Report

Description: Select a certain type of software, compare horizontally and vertically, and write the corresponding research report.

Requirements: At least five software needs to be selected, each software clearly writes its characteristics, advantages, disadvantages and its software characteristics (distribution method, software size, version number, etc.), according to the horizontal and vertical comparison to write a research report, the number of words is not less than 2000 words.

Guidance: You can choose compression software, e-book production software, electronic diary software, instant messaging software, etc.

Presented by: Liang Shuang

Computer maintenance

Topic 1 Configuring the computer

Description: Learn more about the price and performance of your computer, and then configure your computer according to your requirements.

Requirements: Write several sets (at least three) of configuration sheets and explain their performance and price characteristics.

Guidance: You can understand the price and performance of computer accessories through the Internet or field visits.

Presented by: XXX

Topic 2 Advanced computer maintenance

Description: Select a system maintenance CD and learn about the tools in it.

Requirements: Choose a system maintenance CD that you think is most convenient and suitable for your own use, and carefully understand the software in it, and write down the impressions during use. The word count is 1500 words or more.

Guidance: System maintenance CDs can be obtained by purchase, download, etc.

Presented by: XXX


Topic 1 Mathematical toolbox

Title: Write a dialog-based math toolbox that includes common mathematical operations such as solving quadratic equations and fractional simplification

Guidance: 1. Multi-function is included in one program, and different functions can be realized with multiple forms. 2. Mathematical problems such as solving equations can be directly applied formulas.

Example of interface:

Note: 1.  Consider the friendliness of the interface. 2. Pay attention to style when writing code to make the code readable.

Presented by: XXX

Topic 2: Java Basic Programming

Description: Design a Project class that contains the project name, owner, and cost, and these properties should be set at the beginning of the project. In the Project class, there should be a method for recording the financial status and calculating the total current profit of the project. This class must implement the ActionCal interface to define the calProfit() method (note: the profit generated should be generated using a random function, because profit is risky, and this is used to simplify the logic layer). You must also have a management class Manager to manage all projects uniformly, which should have a method for feedback on the number of projects and the corresponding name, person in charge, and current project status. At the same time, it should have the ability to add, delete, query and the investment and total income of all projects.

Questions: 1. It is best to draw UML diagrams before program design. 2. If you are interested, you can refine the project class and derive the subclass of the project to achieve inheritance and polymorphism.

Note: Write the program according to the code specification of Java. It is necessary to ensure the robustness of the program.

Presented by: XXX

Web design

Topic 1 Copy the website

Description: Choose a favorite website and use the corresponding tools to copy it out to make your own website and fill it with your own content.

Requirements: The website can be copied out beautifully and intact, you can add more of your own creativity, and the copied website cannot have the copyright of the original website, that is, depending on your ability to modify.

Guidance: Tools such as Firefox, Dreamweaver, Photoshop and others are available

Presented by: Liang Shuang

Topic 2: Beautify the blog

Description: Register a blog online and beautify it with its template system.

Requirements: Use CSS/JS technology to beautify your blog, make your blog different, more beautiful and generous.

Guidance: There are many online blog systems, such as sina, sohu, cnblog, intranet, etc., and the beautification method of each blog can be easily found in that website.

Presented by: Liang Shuang

Image design

Topic 1 Creativity is limitless

Description: Collect various materials to create an image such as an advertisement or poster.

Requirements: Have visual impact and be able to express what you need to express.

Guidance: Use more filters to achieve the effect you need, and view some related tutorials through the Internet to learn.

Presented by: Liang Shuang

Topic 2: Photo Artists

Description: Beautify your own photos.

Requirements: The following beautification treatments can be carried out: thick eyebrows, acne removal, change of makeup.

Guidance: Mainly practice basic operations and master various basic tools.

Presented by: XXX

Contact information of core personnel of the association (in no particular order)

(XXX) (XXX) (...) (XXX)

Note: After the holiday, because you want to go home, try to send text messages instead of calling, otherwise it will be roaming; Please send a message of blessing during the Spring Festival and try not to ask questions.