


Dear Hiring Manager,

I came across the job listing for a ZKP Engineer and I am writing to express my interest in the position. I have been conducting in-depth research in the field of ZKP in recent years and forseeable future, which aligns perfectly with the requirements of this job.

Allow me to introduce myself briefly. My name is Shuang Liang, born in 1986, and I graduated from the Chongqing Jiaotong University in 2009. Following this, I completed my postgraduate studies in software engineering at Shanghai JiaoTong University (SJTU) in 2016 while working. In 2017, I left Honeywell to start my own business, focusing on blockchain data storage. In 2020, I returned to SJTU to start my doctoral research in Computer Science, with a focus on ZKP database. Due to the busy daily affairs of the laboratory and my ambition in ZKP, I took a leave of absence in 2023 to focus on the practical engineering applications of ZKP.

I am passionate about education and popularization and am currently the lead lecturer for the zkShanghai series of ZKP courses, where I primarily teach the mathematics behind ZKP and applications of ZKP. With years of experience in software development and architectural design, I have never leave the field of coding. Here are some of my proudest achievements:

  • Over 20 years of programming experience with a total of over one million lines of code
  • Published 4 papers and obtained 5 invention patents
  • Won multiple first, and second prizes at the national and provincial levels in various computer-related competitions

For more details, please refer to my resume.

Over the past few years, I have gained in-depth knowledge of the mathematics of ZKP and have lectured on them in the zkShanghai series of ZKP courses. The course videos have been uploaded to YouTube. In addition to computer-related courses, I have studied mathematics-related courses such as discrete mathematics, combinatorics, number theory, and cryptography. I have the ability to write zkSNARK frameworks (such as Plonk and Groth16) and zkSTARK arithmetization tool from scratch. I have extensive experience in writing CIRCOM (mainly used for secure database index design in scientific research) and optimizing arithmetic circuits. Therefore, I believe that my skills and experience are highly suitable for the job.

In terms of personal qualities, I am bold and meticulous, with a slight perfectionist tendency. Years of team collaboration have taught me to compromise towards perfection but never towards quality. I enjoy developing various efficiency tools and sharing my experiences, and I am always proactive in contributing to the team. I am a "catfish" type in the team, not liking to stick to the rules but not rebellious, and understanding the importance of following the rules.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read the letter. I believe that my skills and experience can be put to good use in this position and I sincerely look forward to further communication with you.


Shuang Liang



我在贵司的职位列表中看到正在招聘 ZKP 工程师,因为我过去几年及未来较长的时间都会在 ZKP 方向进行深入的研究,这正好与该职位相匹配,故成此文,希望能有进一步交流的可能性。

我先简单地做下自我介绍,我叫梁爽,1986 年生,2009 年从重庆交大电子系本科毕业后参加工作,2016 年在上海交大软件工程学院完成在职研究生学习,2017 年离开霍尼韦尔开始创业,方向是区块链数据存储,2020 年回到上海交大计算机系继续博士研究,研究方向是零知识证明数据库,因实验室日常事务繁杂,以及期望学以致用,故在 2023 年开始休学,重点关注 ZKP 的实际工程应用。个人热心于传道和科普,最近在零知识证明系列课程 zkShanghai 中任主讲,主要讲解 ZKP 的数学原理和工程应用。工作多年,主要从事软件开发及架构设计工作,从未离开过代码一线,具有扎实的基本功。我有以下引以为傲的标签:

  • 20 多年编程经验,总代码行数超百万行
  • 发表过 4 篇论文,获得发明专利 5 项
  • 得过各种(计算机类)国家级、省市级一等奖、银牌、铜牌若干


我在过去的一段时间里对零知识证明的数学原理有过深入了解,并在 zkShanghai 系列零知识课程上进行了讲解,该课程视频已经上传至 YouTube 。除了计算机相关专业课程之外,学习过离散数学、组合数学、初等数论和密码学等数学相关课程。具备从零编写 zkSNARK 框架(如 Plonk 和 Groth16)和 zkSTARK 算术化工具的能力。具有较长时间编写 CIRCOM 的经验(主要用于实现科研上的安全数据库索引设计),具备算术电路的优化经验。因此,我相信我自身的情况和条件非常符合贵司对 ZKP 工程师职位的定位。






XXXX 年 XX 月 XX 日




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I have been programming for over 20 years. I have published 4 papers and 5 patents issued(2 US patents and 3 Chinese patents). My PhD research is focused on ZKP-enabled database management system.
I'm extremely passionate about Web3 and ZKP, and I'm committed to investing my time and effort into this field.

  本人拥有 20 余年的程序开发经验,10 余年带团队经验(10 人及以下)。共发表了 4 篇论文,获得了 5 项专利(其中 2 项美国专利和 3 项中国专利)。本人博士研究方向为基于零知识证明的数据库管理系统。
  长时间对区块链的研究及相关开发,让我熟悉并热爱 Web3 这个大方向,而我坚信零知识证明是未来几十年的各种技术功能的基础能力, 为了能在零知识证明领域做出一些有影响力的成绩,目前已经休学专心做零知识证明的相关工作。


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