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C# automatic code generation

Automatically generate C# code to avoid repeated copying of a large number of code snippets, which is modified during editing, and is typically used for WPF entity generation.

Code repository:


Make sure you have VS2015 installed, then run 'build.bat' and you'll get the 'HiddenCodeAutoGenerator.vsix' file in the root directory.

Open it and install it into your VS.


  • Support VS2015
  • Provides an out-of-the-box generator for:
    • RelayCommand
    • DependencyProperty **[Experimental]**Entity
    • ViewModel property
  • Easy to insert (with script) mode

Get started

![Set custom tool properties] ( "Setting Custom Tool Properties")

Set 'Custom Tool' to 'HiddenCodeAutoGenerator'.

Place the following code at the top of your code: (Of course, you should make sure that the corresponding generator exists in a relative path)

 <AutoGen src="..\..\..\Commons\AutoGen\AutoGen.cs" />
 <AutoGen src=".. \.. \.. \Commons\AutoGen\AutoGenINPC.cs" />
 <AutoGen src="..\..\..\Commons\AutoGen\AutoGen.cs" />
 <AutoGen src=".. \.. \.. \Commons\AutoGen\AutoGenINPC.cs" />

Currently available generators:


Currently, there are four generators available, mainly focused on WPF MVVM development.

For more information, you can refer to [Test case] (

Relay Command

The following lines:

[AutoGenCommand("OpenProject", "this. NewProject")]
[AutoGenCommand("SaveProject", "this. SaveProject", "this. CanSaveProject")]
[AutoGenCommand("OpenProject", "this. NewProject")]
[AutoGenCommand("SaveProject", "this. SaveProject", "this. CanSaveProject")]


 The NewProject command
/// </summary>
private RelayCommand _newProjectCommand;

 Gets the NewProject command.
/// </summary>
 <value>The NewProject command.</value>
public ICommand NewProjectCommand
    get { return this._newProjectCommand ?? (this._newProjectCommand = new RelayCommand(this. ExecuteNewProjectWrap)); }

 delegate for invoking NewProjectCommand
/// </summary>
private void ExecuteNewProjectWrap(object obj)

 Invoked when NewProjectCommand invokes
/// </summary>
partial void ExecuteNewProject(object obj);

 The OpenProject command
/// </summary>
private RelayCommand _openProjectCommand;

 Gets the OpenProject command.
/// </summary>
 <value>The OpenProject command.</value>
public ICommand OpenProjectCommand
    get { return this._openProjectCommand ?? (this._openProjectCommand = new RelayCommand(this. NewProject)); }

 The SaveProject command
/// </summary>
private RelayCommand _saveProjectCommand;

 Gets the SaveProject command.
/// </summary>
 <value>The SaveProject command.</value>
public ICommand SaveProjectCommand
    get { return this._saveProjectCommand ?? (this._saveProjectCommand = new RelayCommand(this. SaveProject, this. CanSaveProject)); }
 The NewProject command
/// </summary>
private RelayCommand _newProjectCommand;

 Gets the NewProject command.
/// </summary>
 <value>The NewProject command.</value>
public ICommand NewProjectCommand
    get { return this._newProjectCommand ?? (this._newProjectCommand = new RelayCommand(this. ExecuteNewProjectWrap)); }

 delegate for invoking NewProjectCommand
/// </summary>
private void ExecuteNewProjectWrap(object obj)

 Invoked when NewProjectCommand invokes
/// </summary>
partial void ExecuteNewProject(object obj);

 The OpenProject command
/// </summary>
private RelayCommand _openProjectCommand;

 Gets the OpenProject command.
/// </summary>
 <value>The OpenProject command.</value>
public ICommand OpenProjectCommand
    get { return this._openProjectCommand ?? (this._openProjectCommand = new RelayCommand(this. NewProject)); }

 The SaveProject command
/// </summary>
private RelayCommand _saveProjectCommand;

 Gets the SaveProject command.
/// </summary>
 <value>The SaveProject command.</value>
public ICommand SaveProjectCommand
    get { return this._saveProjectCommand ?? (this._saveProjectCommand = new RelayCommand(this. SaveProject, this. CanSaveProject)); }

Dependency Property

The following lines:

[AutoGenDP("WireInfo", typeof(string), "null")]
[AutoGenDP("WireInfo2", typeof(Wire), "new Wire()")]
[AutoGenDP("WireInfo", typeof(string), "null")]
[AutoGenDP("WireInfo2", typeof(Wire), "new Wire()")]


 Gets / sets the WireInfo property value, This is a dependency property
/// </summary>
public string WireInfo
    get { return (string)GetValue(WireInfoProperty); }
    set { SetValue(WireInfoProperty, value); }

 Defines the WireInfo dependnecy property.
/// </summary>
public static readonly System.Windows.DependencyProperty WireInfoProperty =
    System.Windows.DependencyProperty.Register("WireInfo", typeof(string), typeof(WireBaseViewModel),
        new System.Windows.PropertyMetadata("null", new System.Windows.PropertyChangedCallback(OnWireInfoPropertyChanged)));

 Invoked when the WireInfo property changes
/// </summary>
partial void OnWireInfoPropertyChanged(System.Windows.DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e);

private static void OnWireInfoPropertyChanged(System.Windows.DependencyObject d, System.Windows.DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
    WireBaseViewModel control = d as WireBaseViewModel;
    control. OnWireInfoPropertyChanged(e);
 Gets / sets the WireInfo2 property value, This is a dependency property
/// </summary>
public Wire WireInfo2
    get { return (Wire)GetValue(WireInfo2Property); }
    set { SetValue(WireInfo2Property, value); }

 Defines the WireInfo2 dependnecy property.
/// </summary>
public static readonly System.Windows.DependencyProperty WireInfo2Property =
    System.Windows.DependencyProperty.Register("WireInfo2", typeof(Wire), typeof(WireBaseViewModel),
        new System.Windows.PropertyMetadata(new Wire(), new System.Windows.PropertyChangedCallback(OnWireInfo2PropertyChanged)));

 Invoked when the WireInfo2 property changes
/// </summary>
partial void OnWireInfo2PropertyChanged(System.Windows.DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e);

private static void OnWireInfo2PropertyChanged(System.Windows.DependencyObject d, System.Windows.DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
    WireBaseViewModel control = d as WireBaseViewModel;
    control. OnWireInfo2PropertyChanged(e);
 Gets / sets the WireInfo property value, This is a dependency property
/// </summary>
public string WireInfo
    get { return (string)GetValue(WireInfoProperty); }
    set { SetValue(WireInfoProperty, value); }

 Defines the WireInfo dependnecy property.
/// </summary>
public static readonly System.Windows.DependencyProperty WireInfoProperty =
    System.Windows.DependencyProperty.Register("WireInfo", typeof(string), typeof(WireBaseViewModel),
        new System.Windows.PropertyMetadata("null", new System.Windows.PropertyChangedCallback(OnWireInfoPropertyChanged)));

 Invoked when the WireInfo property changes
/// </summary>
partial void OnWireInfoPropertyChanged(System.Windows.DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e);

private static void OnWireInfoPropertyChanged(System.Windows.DependencyObject d, System.Windows.DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
    WireBaseViewModel control = d as WireBaseViewModel;
    control. OnWireInfoPropertyChanged(e);
 Gets / sets the WireInfo2 property value, This is a dependency property
/// </summary>
public Wire WireInfo2
    get { return (Wire)GetValue(WireInfo2Property); }
    set { SetValue(WireInfo2Property, value); }

 Defines the WireInfo2 dependnecy property.
/// </summary>
public static readonly System.Windows.DependencyProperty WireInfo2Property =
    System.Windows.DependencyProperty.Register("WireInfo2", typeof(Wire), typeof(WireBaseViewModel),
        new System.Windows.PropertyMetadata(new Wire(), new System.Windows.PropertyChangedCallback(OnWireInfo2PropertyChanged)));

 Invoked when the WireInfo2 property changes
/// </summary>
partial void OnWireInfo2PropertyChanged(System.Windows.DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e);

private static void OnWireInfo2PropertyChanged(System.Windows.DependencyObject d, System.Windows.DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
    WireBaseViewModel control = d as WireBaseViewModel;
    control. OnWireInfo2PropertyChanged(e);

Notified Property

The following lines:

[AutoGen("WireData", typeof(string), "null")]
[AutoGen("Visibility", typeof(Visibility), "Visibility.Hidden")]
[AutoGen("WireData", typeof(string), "null")]
[AutoGen("Visibility", typeof(Visibility), "Visibility.Hidden")]


 Field which backs the WireData property
/// </summary>
private string _wireData = "null";

 Gets / sets the WireData value
/// </summary>
public string WireData
    get { return _wireData; }
        if (_wireData == value) return;
        _wireData = value;


 Invoked when the value of WireData changes
/// </summary>
partial void OnWireDataChanged(string value);
 Field which backs the Visibility property
/// </summary>
private Visibility _visibility = Visibility.Hidden;

 Gets / sets the Visibility value
/// </summary>
public Visibility Visibility
    get { return _visibility; }
        if (_visibility == value) return;
        _visibility = value;


 Invoked when the value of Visibility changes
/// </summary>
partial void OnVisibilityChanged(Visibility value);
 Field which backs the WireData property
/// </summary>
private string _wireData = "null";

 Gets / sets the WireData value
/// </summary>
public string WireData
    get { return _wireData; }
        if (_wireData == value) return;
        _wireData = value;


 Invoked when the value of WireData changes
/// </summary>
partial void OnWireDataChanged(string value);
 Field which backs the Visibility property
/// </summary>
private Visibility _visibility = Visibility.Hidden;

 Gets / sets the Visibility value
/// </summary>
public Visibility Visibility
    get { return _visibility; }
        if (_visibility == value) return;
        _visibility = value;


 Invoked when the value of Visibility changes
/// </summary>
partial void OnVisibilityChanged(Visibility value);


The following lines:

[AutoGenEntity("WireData", typeof(string), false)]
[AutoGenEntity("Visibility", typeof(Visibility), true, "Visibility.Hidden")]
[AutoGenEntity("WireData", typeof(string), false)]
[AutoGenEntity("Visibility", typeof(Visibility), true, "Visibility.Hidden")]


public string WireData { get; set; }
public Visibility Visibility { get; private set; }

public WireBaseViewModel(string wireData, Visibility visibility = Visibility.Hidden)
    this. WireData = wireData;
    this. Visibility = visibility;
public string WireData { get; set; }
public Visibility Visibility { get; private set; }

public WireBaseViewModel(string wireData, Visibility visibility = Visibility.Hidden)
    this. WireData = wireData;
    this. Visibility = visibility;