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Chia Light Wallet is open for closed beta

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PS: It has since changed its name to Pawket, please visit for details

Hello everyone! Chia Light Wallet: Chiabee Wallet developed by our team is currently open for beta~

Beta address: Instructions for use can be found at:

  • Featured features
  1. Initially created as a 12-digit mnemonic phrase, the wallet has a built-in 12-digit mnemonic phrase conversion function to a 24-digit mnemonic phrase, which can be easily imported into Chia's official full-node wallet and light wallet.
  2. The 24-bit mnemonic phrase of Chia can be imported.
  3. Multi-wallet management under the same mnemonic phrase (similar to metamask)
  • Basic features
  1. Support offline wallet, that is: the private key and password do not leave the user's device. The private key is stored encrypted, and only your login password can decrypt it.
  2. Assets that can receive XCH and CATs. (The CATs that have been added so far are BSH\SBX\CH21)
  3. Shadow wallets can be created. That is: the same mnemonic phrase, with and without password will be two different private keys (wallets). This feature is suitable for professionals.
  • Features to be implemented
  1. Sending assets is not supported at the moment
  2. Temporarily unable to read assets on variable addresses
  3. Lack of prompt function (such as password error prompt, etc.)

Interested friends can try it, the browser is available on both mobile phones and computers.

The closed beta version, there may be a lot of instability, please be careful not to store important assets~

Welcome to feedback more comments and suggestions~