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Blockchain questionnaire

This article has been translated using machine translator. It may not perfectly capture the nuances of the original text. I appreciate your understanding in this matter.

Note: In order to simplify the text, the answer is not necessarily very accurate, choose the closest one

The difference between Bitcoin and QQ coin:

-I don't know

  • There is no difference
  • My bitcoins are not taken away by anyone and QQ coins may be recovered

【Multiple choice】My understanding of digital assets:

-I don't know

  • My Weibo account belongs to me and is my permanent asset
  • My Bitcoin belongs to me and is my permanent asset
  • My game account belongs to me and is my permanent asset

My understanding of the hash algorithm:

-I don't know

  • Hashing is a digital fingerprinting technique that allows different pieces of content to have different digital fingerprints
  • Hash is a one-way function, and in daily use, you will encounter different content with the same hash from time to time

When transferring money with Bitcoin, if you accidentally fill in the wrong alphanumeric character when filling in the other party's address:

  • Not sure what will happen
  • You can find a way to recall
  • Will call someone by mistake, there is a small probability that you can find this person to return the money
  • will fall into a black hole, which no one can retrieve with current technology

Difficulty of writing secure smart contracts:

-I don't know

  • Very simple, novices watch tutorials in 21 days from beginner to proficient
  • Similar to normal code writing
  • Difficult, it takes a team with multiple professional divisions to competent

About SPV (Simple Payment Verification) and Lightweight Wallet:

-I don't know

  • Similar to wallets such as Binance, Huobi, Coinbase, etc
  • Similar to wallets such as MetaMask, ImToken, Ledger, etc

【Multiple selection】About mining

-I don't know

  • All are energy-intensive
  • When the last coin is mined, miners do not need to continue mining
  • The function of mining is to protect the security of the blockchain

About whether Bitcoin is a currency or not

-I don't know

  • Bitcoin is not a currency
  • Bitcoin is the currency
  • Bitcoin is just a general equivalent

Have you been involved in cryptocurrency


  • Only the private key is owned
  • There are coins
  • Participated in the construction of blockchain consensus security

Whether you know about asymmetric encryption

-I don't know

  • Divided into public-private key pairs, public key encryption private key decryption, private key signature public key verification
  • Encrypt and decrypt with the same password