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2020 Summary

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In the face of the unknown future, if you have courage, you will become extremely strong

There is no doubt that a major epidemic in 2020 will become an indelible mark in history, People's performance in this epidemic will also leave a strong mark, and everyone has no way to keep themselves out of the situation.

Starting from resigning in 2017 to start a business, the next few years are not so much about starting a business, but about learning to start a business, while accumulating technical capital, No amount of books I read can guide me well to do business, I can't judge that there are too many options for the back road, and there is no standard methodology available.

At the end of 2019, several opportunities suddenly converged, and finally decided to formalize the company.

What makes me strong is not the promising future, but the courage and action to face the unknown.

At the beginning of 2020, a sudden outbreak struck and changed many plans:

  • Because my classmates could not return to school smoothly, one of our interns stayed in the office for only a week a year ago, and then did not come to the office again until the end of the remote internship;
  • Because of the need to avoid the gathering of people, the blockchain salon that said goodbye to the next year a few years ago also suddenly turned off;
  • Due to the postdoctoral practice base project postponed by the epidemic, coupled with the fact that the senior brother left the school to teach in advance, he finally failed to apply;
  • Due to the epidemic abroad, many international conferences have been held online, so I heard many high-quality speeches that I had never had the opportunity to hear in the past.

In the face of such an epidemic, we also actively think about what we can do, want to make some contributions to the fight against the epidemic, and think about it In the end, we decided to do our own job, run the company well, and provide jobs, which is the biggest contribution we can make.

Because of the lot of effort, the harvest is extremely precious

In 2020, I interviewed more than 1,200 people online, interviewed more than 200 people by phone, and finally hired 12 people. It is also this veritable 12 small partners who have contributed extremely important forces to the development of the company in 2020. We left their names on the list of graduated members of the official website team. Some of them stayed in the company to continue working after the internship, and some returned to school after the internship to continue their studies. There are also people who find their own direction in life in the process of work and bravely pursue their own happiness.

By the end of the year, I collected feedback from them, and when I saw their satisfied and happy feedback, I was excited and happy. I feel that the effort and cost spent on company culture and employee care is worth it. There are so many companies in the world, and since I have the opportunity, I want to create a working atmosphere that can make use of everyone's abilities and feel happy. Although we don't have a 996, our work efficiency is not compromised, and it is directly at the leading level in the industry.

The biggest impact of the epidemic in 2020 on my life is the opportunity to return to Shanghai Jiaotong University to continue my doctoral studies. For me personally, the opportunity to study for a PhD is indeed hard-won, and I am grateful to my supervisor for accepting me as an older doctor.

So, in September, my child wrote in her diary:

"My dad and I are both in the first grade, I am in the first year of elementary school, and my father is in the first year of PhD."

Returning to school has a very different feeling than before, and classes are no longer mandatory. As long as I go to the class, I want to listen, and many classes are simply not heard in society - these big cows are not invited elsewhere. And it's hard to have such a high density of opportunities to hear all these courses in one place. So for me, I cherish these learning opportunities very much, so I am more active and love to learn in the classroom.

2020 is a year of learning for me, in addition to learning entrepreneurship, learning to open a company, going back to school to attend classes, conducting scientific research, Thanks to the partners and Tongji EFG, I have carefully studied a series of MBA courses.

Looking back on 2020, when I spent a lot of time in my studies, the company achieved breakeven, The company's main expenses are on new projects, Scissors Rabbit media tools, while the main income is income from blockchain-related projects. This is also because the accumulation of previous years has been recognized, and it will indeed take some time for new products to be recognized by the market. We also strongly believe that these necessary upfront expenditures are a source of stable income and effective growth in the coming years.

Born of blockchain, will be powerful because of blockchain

Regarding blockchain, there was a brief period of doubt since the end of 2019, doubting whether it can earn gracefully and decently to maintain the company's revenue. In 2020, study FileCoin and zk-SNARK from the beginning of the year, and learn cryptography and Monero in school in the second half of the year, Finally, in the last period of the year, seriously consider issuing a public chain, I don't care about some people saying that it is not a good time to issue a public chain, Because on our completely independent original development blockchain, we have complete and absolute initiative in everything we do. This is both a learning process and an experimental process, and we cautiously explore with respect for science and technology. At the same time, one day in the future, I will reap rewards for the brave with all comrades who now believe in the future of the blockchain.