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Updated after Hainan vacation

This article has been translated using machine translator. It may not perfectly capture the nuances of the original text. I appreciate your understanding in this matter.

I expected to spend the entire second half of 2017 in the busy development of blockchain databases, but an unexpected collaborative project threw my plans upside down. The cooperation project is willing to be the first pilot project of my blockchain database, but the launch time is also urgent, only three months of development. Unwilling to miss this opportunity, I decided to move the project next when my first blockchain database prototype was just running. After months of round-the-clock development, after the basic functionality was completed, I tried to integrate my blockchain, and sure enough, when I was ready to put on the actual system, Only to find out that my blockchain database has a large number of unconsidered problems to be solved in terms of integrating the actual system, and the time is already very tight. There was no chance for me to modify it, so that's it: the collaborative project went live, there was no blockchain database.

After going to Hainan to warm up for half a month, I considered the design of the blockchain database in combination with the new experience, and I felt that the goal was more clear. And now, even if blockchain is so hot, blockchain databases are a rare field. I still predict that after the bursting of this blockchain bubble, it is expected to usher in the boom of blockchain databases. I want to prepare myself before then to meet this wonderful era.