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Blockchain thinking

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What is it?

In the past, we generally talked about Internet thinking, and Internet thinking has created many new business models in many traditional industries. Now, with the continuous upgrading and development of the blockchain industry, do we also need to consider using blockchain thinking? Use it to do some innovative and creative work.

First, let's take a look at what blockchain thinking is? Given the immature state of blockchain, it is not easy to define it. However, we know that the biggest significance of blockchain technology at present lies in its operating mechanism, through the exquisite combination of technologies, to complete the fair distribution of resources, so as to ensure that the goals of the community are the same, and the behavior norms of members are consistent. Therefore, three key points are extracted from these characteristics: reliability, fairness, and standardization.

Reliability refers to the reliability of the technical architecture, while fairness refers to the fairness of the distribution process, and normativity refers to the normativity of member behavior.

How to use it?

So how should this blockchain thinking be used? At present, the most significant connotation of blockchain technology lies in the use of distributed ledger, asymmetric encryption, peer-to-peer transmission and other technical combinations to ensure that data cannot be tampered with and can be traced throughout the process, so as to solve the problem of trust construction in social communication. To put it more simply, in the end, it is all about determining the authenticity through blockchain technology, allowing value to circulate directly on the Internet, and building a real Internet of value.

Some people may say, what I said is too abstract, this Internet thinking, fried for so many years, I know how to use it, but blockchain thinking, originally very vague, but, how to use it?

The most typical question is, where can blockchain be used?

All enterprises and industries that need to be more fair and open can use blockchain technology; All enterprises and industries that need data storage, protection, authorization and trading can use blockchain technology; Blockchain technology can be used wherever social collaboration is required, especially cross-border, based on computer networks.


However, on the issue of blockchain thinking, there is often a misunderstanding, that is, that there must be a coin, but in fact, the blockchain can be divided into two types: a coin blockchain and a coin blockchain, and whether a coin is required or not, which is essentially determined by the positioning and economic model of the blockchain project itself. For example, public chain projects generally have coins, while alliance chains and private chains generally do not need to have coins, with the continuous evolution of blockchain projects in recent years, there are many alliance chains that also operate as public chains, although they may also have coins. As an industry practitioner, we are often thinking and discussing how to promote the long-term and healthy development of this industry more effectively. From a global perspective, basically all governments welcome blockchain technology and are willing to actively promote the application of blockchain technology in government management, government affairs openness, people's livelihood security, financial system and other aspects. However, in terms of digital currency and digital currency extended exchanges, ICOs, etc., the attitude is very different, some countries are welcome, some are rejected, and some are limited acceptance. Needless to say, a blockchain-based era that is sweeping the globe is fast approaching. There is no doubt about hugging, but how to hug, what kind of mentality and posture to hug, is worth thinking and exploring, and blockchain thinking is our weapon, we should be accustomed to using blockchain thinking to illuminate cognitive blind spots, force technology upgrades, open up industrial space, and profit in the major opportunities ushered in by the blockchain industry.