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A new beginning for 2015

This article has been translated using machine translator. It may not perfectly capture the nuances of the original text. I appreciate your understanding in this matter.

I am not young, so I will no longer say words of emotion, and the summary is: 2014 is okay, but some shortcomings should also be improved in 2015.


2014 was a busy year, exploring many interesting possibilities at work, and gaining a deeper understanding of JS in personal learning; 2014 was also a good harvest year, the daughter was born, the house was bought, and the company was promoted.

At the beginning of 2014, the full-year plan was set to focus on industrial control, and also opened a big hole - [] (, trying to safely bring cloud computing to the industrial field. The basic prototype of PLC is there, the basic prototype of HMI designer is also there, the prototype design of DCS is also there, well, it feels like everything is ready, as if as long as there is a rich boss who invests 1 million, a year later can see good progress into the next round of financing.

But that's all about it now.

Because I was selling my ideas everywhere, including the company I worked for, and now the company wanted to expand my idea, so I stopped. Because I don't want to have a dispute with the company in these technical aspects, although what I used to do was the same industry as the company, but I completely used my own time to develop the design, and then use my own contacts and methods to sell to people to get feedback corrections, anyway, it is my complete autonomy, and when I am no longer in the company, I will find another partner to build and package this set of products to market.

(Brain complaining: Simply said, you think that industrial products are so simple, other companies have so many experienced people, investment tens of millions can not be built, what skills do you have to create? )

In fact, my reason is also very simple, in terms of project scale, this project is far less large than my previous successful projects, and the most complex module is comparable in complexity to one of my previous successful projects, which is the source of my confidence.

(complaining in the brain: so much, you don't do it now)

Although it is true that I will not do it for the time being, I have little confidence that I can really carry forward this project in the company and make it what I expect, because in the company, especially this kind of Fortune 500 large company, there are too many constraints, the smaller the project, the better, the bigger the project, the greater the resistance. Anyway, it was decided not to do this in my spare time, so in 2015 I will no longer focus on industrial control.


In fact, I personally have always wanted to go in the direction of game development, but unfortunately did not have the opportunity to enter the game company, after participating in several game development activities this year, I found that I have actually moved farther and farther away from this field, since this is the case, I will summon up the energy to give up this path, this is actually a decision made in early 2014, basically it is still very well implemented, and I insisted on it in 2015.

After all, life has entered the stage of Ben San, it is really difficult to say that there is no pressure in life, so I always want to make money from time to time, but I was quickly denied by myself, so back and forth several times, I feel that I am really tossed.

In any case, I figured it out later, if you want to make a lot of money, you must study deeply in a field, and delving into a field does not mean that you will definitely make a lot of money in this field.

Recently, I also saw an article about the bad luck of the post-80s generation in various channels, and I also thought that for us there are nothing more than four combinations:

  • Make money doing what you love
  • Do what you like without making money
  • Do things you don't like to make money
  • Do things you don't like if you don't make money

The last one believes that no one is willing to do it when there is still a chance to choose, and if you can do the first one, of course, you must also choose when you have the opportunity to choose, then we can only compare whether it is "doing things you like that you don't make money" to be happy or "doing things you don't like to make money" happy.

Maybe every reader will have their own answer in their hearts, everyone will have their own focus, and all have a colorful human society. Anyway, I'm more inclined to do what I love. In this way, it is simple for me, the tendency is the first two, then I just need to chase my heart and do what I like, and whether I make money or not can only be left to luck.

But the question is, what exactly do I like to do best?

Since contacting the computer in 94, it has indeed experienced too much, programming from QB/VB/ASP/PASCAL/Delphi/asm/C/C++/C# has been used for a circle, web pages Flash/HTML/JS/HTML5/PS is also a big circle, even the operation and maintenance is also because of their own multiple websites, experienced a lot, suddenly think about it, completely in accordance with the requirements of creating a 'full-stack engineer' for training.

The more experience means that there are more choices in the future, plus there are more concerns now, but it is difficult to make a choice.


No direction is scarier than going in the wrong direction and then adjusting the direction

Because that is not even the confidence to act, it will lead to not daring to move forward even if the future direction is right.

So in 2015, my spare time focused on learning JS, maybe just like I just started learning C# 10 years ago, let's start with a forum + CMS, and go through the basic functions. Well, I've got a hole -- [nodepress] (

The goal is to be as proficient in js as I am in C#, to reach the level of a js architect, and to make js the third language I can call proficient in after VB and C#. And bring back the good parts of js. Net ecology.