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Choose the most resource-saving software to make your computer run smoother

LEGACY WARNING: This article was written when the author was 21 years old. The content mentioned might be immature or outdated, please evaluate accordingly.
This article has been translated using machine translator. It may not perfectly capture the nuances of the original text. I appreciate your understanding in this matter.

Recently, because I have to program it, VS. NET2008 is more demanding than the previous 2005, taking up 40M more memory, but the programming speed has increased, I can't put it down, so I can't help it, I decided to let my 512M book clean up some software out, so that I can program more smoothly. Haha, less nonsense, here we go.

Notebook frequency reduction software

In the past, due to the recommendation of classmates, I used NHC, which is indeed a powerful software, but the memory consumption is really not small, a full 30M, which is quite scary.

So I switched back to the RMClock I used to find, lightweight software, but fully functional, the only drawback is that it can't display the temperature of the notebook normally. The normal version can't save custom settings, but it's good enough for us, and I guess that's why the software isn't cracked.


Because of my preferences for many years, I have been using Winamp, but now I also face a very real problem, that is, this old software does occupy a lot of system memory. 30M is not a small amount.

Oh, so I started searching, first of all, I thought of a lot of thousands of quiet listening that everyone uses completely imitates Winamp, in fact, from the beginning I was quite prejudiced against this completely imitation software, consulted a classmate, and knew that he accounted for about 5M, which seems to be relatively lightweight.

But I still didn't want to use that, so through searching, I knew that there is a software called Happyshow that seems to take up a small amount of memory, using the kernel of MPC, but unfortunately I didn't try it, because I suddenly remembered a software that I have to install every time but don't use much, foobar, this is also a lightweight software, and the function is very powerful, the plug-ins are relatively rich, this software has never been used as a converter before, so it has been installed, so for me, The biggest convenience is that this software has been installed and can be run directly, so I tried it, it is quite in line with my requirements, the basic functions are available, and the effect is also very good, the memory occupies 10M, which is completely within the range I can accept.

Oh, that's it.

Instant messaging software

qq and tm are completely afraid to use, too powerful is 60M, and I write programs, I can't use the chat function, just need to be convenient when someone finds me, so compare the communication software:

  • qq 60-80M
  • tm 50-70M
  • msn 20M
  • GTalk 17M
  • Feixin 50M
  • 11M in the school

There is a big problem in the school communication, I don't know why they haven't solved it for so long, that is, when it is disconnected from the network, it will automatically log in and freeze, accounting for a lot of CPU; And there are often cases where information cannot be transmitted normally.

MSN is relatively stable, and my closest people use this to communicate, but his voice is really poor, and there has been information loss, although it is rare, but it also feels more or less unreliable.

Feixin is now developing very quickly and looking at the program folder found that he has the component architecture in. .NET platform, no wonder it's not so big. There is a big problem with his file transfer, it seems that the information is first transmitted to the server, and then downloaded, often one side is successfully transmitted, and the other side does not receive it.

GTalk has just started using it, and I haven't found anything yet, but I found that its functions are quite limited, except for sending messages and logging in to the mailbox, it seems that there are no special functions, and even file transfer is not yet available.

Concluding remarks

Hehe, after talking for a long time, I generally make MSN open now, and other communication software will be opened when needed.

After talking for a long time, I hope that these words of the ice wizard can help you better optimize your computer, but I am ready to go back to add a root memory stick during the winter vacation, VS. NET2008 accounts for 150M after opening the project, if it is a website application, you have to start the temporary website server (50M) and sqlSERVER (30M), which are big things that cannot be avoided.