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Are you like this under Leo?

LEGACY WARNING: This article was written when the author was 21 years old. The content mentioned might be immature or outdated, please evaluate accordingly.
This article has been translated using machine translator. It may not perfectly capture the nuances of the original text. I appreciate your understanding in this matter.

In the eyes of most people, Leo is a domineering, somewhat arrogant, and self-esteem sign. It cannot be said that people in lions are successful, but at least lions want to be successful in the eyes of others.

Due to the nature of lions, most lions love face, they like golden things, like to be praised and admired by others, and have the talent to make friends. Lions are very strong on many occasions, in fact, most of the lions seem to be unscheming and not good at maneuvering in the power struggle, but the psychology of lions has their own account, they are not involved in the struggle, because they think that no matter who wins, they will not shake their status.

Each zodiac sign has its own unique place, so there is no absolute good, and bad, Leo people like to make friends with people who are not scheming, it is the kind of knife in the ribs of friends, once you become friends, the lion will classify you as his own person, within his control, that sometimes it will bring hardship to those people, because they feel that the lion is too sticky, and it doesn't feel right!! In fact, Lion Psychology understands that giving is not necessarily rewarded, but as a lion, I would rather others fail me, and I will never fail others.

Maybe when you see this, you will feel that although the lion is reckless and arrogant, it seems to be quite a friendship, but don't scare the lion around because of this, thinking that the lion will always be tolerant. The lion is in love, but also the most determined, when it is really decided, you kneel down and cry, make trouble and hang yourself, the lion will only smile, and then tell you: No one in this world can not live without leaving.

There is also a weakness in the lion's heart, a weak and sensitive nerve, so that when they think they are in danger, they raise their paws and put up their hair to prepare for confrontation.

In the eyes of outsiders, your love seems to be you in the upper hand (especially the lioness, a solipsistic look), the other party listens to your good or not, but how many people know, in fact, it is you who depends on the other party, and you are the one who is most afraid of losing the other party.

Lion does not have specific principles, many people seem, lions are very easygoing, but in fact, no principle is the biggest principle, when they say casual, in fact, there is a bottom line in the heart, but do not show, do not involve the bottom line problem, it was easy to discuss before. When the lion is saying, "You have an idea, I'm casual, they actually have a backup plan, and if you kick the ball back, they will come up with a backup plan."

Leo people often have strange and strange thoughts, which make people feel very nonsensical, and their way of thinking about problems is often very direct, so they are not very good at turning, which makes many people think that lions are straightforward and unscheming.

But think about it, are there really mature normal people in this world who are scheming? Lions are not scheming because they do not feel the need to use such means, and lions show a lot of naïve ideas because they are not willing to think too much about complexity, not because they can't think about it.

Because lions are very idealistic, a lion that has not been polluted and socially conditioned is the kind of person who will run to the playground in the middle of winter to lie down for a night looking at the stars. Therefore, after stepping into a complex society, the lion can only hide such wishes and purity in his heart, and then quickly put on a mask and swim in society.

The lion shows very direct joy and disapproval of people, unless it is the kind of person who cannot be offended, otherwise, the lion is as enthusiastic as fire to his friends, and to the enemy, it is the idea of blowing him to prevent him from having a chance to turn over. This is different from the vengeance of the scorpion, where the lion will use the right and bright means to hit you in front of many people. After the revenge is over, they will be thrown away long ago, because they seem to have too many things.

Of course, this is also a character of the lion, that is, afraid of loneliness, afraid of loneliness is not unable to bear loneliness, lions are very enjoy rare loneliness, but in the lion's heart there are a lot of things that cannot be put down, so they hope that the people they can't let go can often care about him, and the things he can't let go can always have good results.

So, don't let the lions stay alone in loneliness and think about it, once they have a clear mind, or plan to give up, then you can't pull it back with ten ox carts.

Of course, the lion's heart is soft, you pretend to be a lion and lion, cry in front of the lions, make trouble, and pity the third, the lion and lion are estimated to be unable to eat, and immediately softened again. Who told you to touch their little bit of tragedy!!

It will be a very happy thing to be friends with Leo people, because for the definition of friends, lions are very broad, and for the sake of face and other problems, most of the time they are very willing to ask and help friends. So, it's good to make a friend like that.

But what can hold the lion is not feelings, but responsibility. A sense of responsibility.

The lion's heart is actually very tragic, but it is indeed a special sunshine.