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07-08 ACM Mid-Year Work Review and Second Semester Plan

LEGACY WARNING: This article was written when the author was 21 years old. The content mentioned might be immature or outdated, please evaluate accordingly.
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Prepared by: Liang Shuang (President of the Association for Computing Machinery)

Summary of work

Through the efforts of all members of the Computer Association, the work of the Association for Computing Machinery in the first half of the semester was carried out smoothly and successfully. Throughout the first half of the semester, we successfully carried out five activities, recruited more than 90 members, and nearly 100 maintenance times of the one-dollar maintenance plan. A summary of our work is as follows:

Event timeEvent ThemePerson in chargeResults & Outcomes
October 11Recruit newLiang ShuangSuccessfully enrolled more than 70 members, and let the whole school all places
Fang's classmates all felt the breath of the Computer Association.
October 11Lecture on Computer FundamentalsLiang ShuangThe 250-person classroom was packed, and the students were enthusiastic
The mood is high, and successfully cooperated with commercial advertising, and won the cooperation
Expenses for the activities of the meeting.
October 11Dollar Maintenance PublicityLiang ShuangWon everyone's praise, and many students enthusiastically reported
Name, willing to participate in this program
October 18Computer Maintenance SeminarLiang ShuangThere are no empty seats in the 150-person classroom, and there are many of them
Learn to stop and learn at the back of the classroom
October 24Life Planning SeminarLiang ShuangThe classroom for 150 people was full, and the results were very good

In the first half of the semester, some personnel changes were made one after another, and the final situation is as follows:

      President: Liang Shuang
    Vice President: XXX
Minister of Technology: XXX
    Deputy Minister: XXX
Director of External Relations: XXX
    Deputy Minister: XXX
Head of Propaganda: XXX
Head of the Organization Department: XXX 
Head of Planning Department: XXX
Head of Maintenance Department: XXX 
    Deputy Minister: XXX
      President: Liang Shuang
    Vice President: XXX
Minister of Technology: XXX
    Deputy Minister: XXX
Director of External Relations: XXX
    Deputy Minister: XXX
Head of Propaganda: XXX
Head of the Organization Department: XXX 
Head of Planning Department: XXX
Head of Maintenance Department: XXX 
    Deputy Minister: XXX

The more capable students among the newly recruited officers are as follows:

  • Computer technology: XXX
  • Programming technique: XXX
  • Web Production: XXX
  • Image design: XXX
  • Computer maintenance: XXX   Work plan ========

In the second half of the semester, the two major activities of the association will continue, insisting on one lecture per week, so that more new students can join the one-dollar maintenance plan, and the daily affairs will be handed over to the vice president XXX students to manage, the president's main task is to explore more and broader ways of cooperation.

The work plan for the second half of the semester is as follows:

Project NameDescriptionEstimated time
One Dollar Maintenance Plan Promotion Investment Promotion Plan****The one-dollar maintenance program has become a big hallmark of our association, IEarly November
We should use this feature and advantage to promote and attract some merchants
Arrived, so that our maintenance program is in line with commercial standards, and it can be more vigorous and healthy
The development of Kang.
Association for Computing Machinery Collation Program****The Computer Society has many advantages, but the existing information is messy and uncomfortable End of November
On the one hand, when recruiting members, you need to let others see
To the strength of our association, on the other hand we go out and talk to other companies
The matter of cooperation requires the historical information of our association as we have
Strength and evidence of their cooperation.
Continuous cooperation plan with Xieyou Technology****At present, it has cooperated with Xieyou Technology twice, and both have been carried out very smoothly Continuous
I believe that there will be better development of cooperation in the future. Achieve a win-win goal
**Lecture Program in collaboration with full-text culture ******Full-text culture is supported by projects that they have direct state support End of October
and a quality development engineer ranked fourth in the country, with extraordinary strength
There are many opportunities for cooperation, and it is worth investing in
Election of Vice President of the AssociationThe affairs and focus of the association should be slowly changed to a group of people of level 06 End of November
, let them get more opportunities to learn and improve
Association for Computing Machinery Website Design****The website of the Association for Computing Machinery will be led by the Class of 06 students and will be completely handed over to 0Early November
Grade 7 students to design and make. In this way, the level of students in the association is improved
Website design capabilities.
School of Computer Science Website Development****The college website has been completed, and the work after this is mainly to increase the workMid-November
Yes, I am in charge of the president, mainly leading the same level 05 and level 06
Learn to proceed. Development and use of the website. Net(C#)。
Making newspapersNewspapers and periodicals are a mass communication medium that can be easily picked up by everyone End of November
Yes, but computer newspapers and periodicals are highly professional and not suitable for separate production,
Therefore, in the production of newspapers and periodicals, cooperation with other associations is adopted
Special attention should be paid to the attractiveness of the advertisement during the production process
PromAt the end of the year, through the joint efforts of everyone, the Computer Association will be built very well Year-end
Naturally, it's time for everyone to relax and party, the prom to take and other
The club with more girls cooperates to fill the majority of the boys in this association
Difficult problems to carry out.

After I took over the Association, I made some additions and repairs to the regulations, mainly as follows:

  1. The term of office of the president of the association is changed from sophomore to junior. By the end of their sophomore year, the student's experience has basically matured, and he already has the ability and consciousness to assume the position of president of the association. In the junior year, there may be a lot of graduation-related things entangled, so that the affairs of the association cannot be carried out smoothly and orderly, so this change is made.

  2. Sponsorship and successfully hold activities, and 10% of the benefits go to the sponsored students. This is to encourage more students to bring better sponsorship, so that the association can develop in an orderly and healthy manner.

  3. All students who give lectures will receive a remuneration of 30 yuan. In this way, students are encouraged to give more lectures and lectures, on the one hand, it can enrich the activities of the association, on the other hand, the lecturer can get the training of technology, eloquence, appearance and other aspects.