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Another step in the dream, systems analyst

LEGACY WARNING: This article was written when the author was 21 years old. The content mentioned might be immature or outdated, please evaluate accordingly.
This article has been translated using machine translator. It may not perfectly capture the nuances of the original text. I appreciate your understanding in this matter.

After today's review, I said a scary sentence, "No, review again, this subject is going to get full marks", hehe, just kidding, but for me, it seems that the single-chip microcomputer, a subject that has a lot to do with programming, is quite simple, and then my goal is just to pass, so there is no pressure. But people are also strange, from the beginning, if this subject is not completed, there is no way to calm down and prepare for the next exam, so forget it, anyway, tomorrow will be examined, today continue to review this.

Today's good news, my system analyst exam results came down, 45/49/45, hehe, according to previous years, the score line of the first four years has been drawn at 45 points, I hope there will be no change this year. Hehe, suddenly felt a little excited, can not calm down to read, so simply climbed up and wrote a journal.

These days of peace of mind review, feel very good, there is no mess to delay, just think of learning something with peace of mind, suddenly a little nostalgic for the third year of high school, now think about the most relaxed time is to count that time, don't think about anything, just need to be at ease on one thing. It's been two and a half years since college, but I haven't made a single game, I really feel that I am too ..., hey, but this thing can't be helped, too many new things need to be learned and absorbed by myself.

This winter vacation from January 19 to February 25, it's so long, everyone is starting to discuss how to live, hehe.

In order to review with peace of mind, I closed my game catalog, and then watched cartoons during my break, and then found that I didn't get through any games, didn't watch a single cartoon, and only watched a few movies for so long this semester.

It seems to be a little busy, but the gain is not small, there have been a total of four lectures this semester, the largest one filled the classroom with 250 people, hehe, I feel more and more comfortable with the stage. At the beginning, after the whole lecture, I don't remember what kind of expressions the students below have, occasionally in order to mobilize the atmosphere to ask the following students a few questions, and then come back to my senses and suddenly find that I forgot where to talk about, hehe, now I think it's really funny, but at that time, it was good to be able to bring it over more normally, and now I will not have that feeling when I do the lecture, I can be very smooth, and I can notice the expressions of the students below, I can continue my lecture smoothly after a certain communication with my classmates, and I feel that I have really grown up a lot, although I have always wanted to grow up, hehe.

Recently, the exam has been too busy, I didn't have time to report to the instructor of our association, if the teacher sees it, please forgive Oh, hehe. I'll come and report when I'm done with the exam.

I myself feel that my president is still more competent, but I also found a big shortcoming, the ability to communicate with people has problems, and I am afraid to communicate with people, if I deal with strangers, I always have to summon up the courage for half a day to dare to speak, I always feel that there is a big gap between myself and myself in front of others, I don't know why, I can only feel strange, but it is also for this reason, I have not been able to do relatively large business activities this semester, which is my big mistake, I ask for your forgiveness, I will definitely try to review my mistakes, and strive to correct our association to the best in the future, so that our association is not only called a big association in terms of numbers, but also a well-deserved big association in the school in terms of technical strength and activities.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my friends who have helped me and contributed their part to the association.

Thirty minutes 1,200 words, it seems that my typing and thinking speed has not regressed, hehe, a little pride, haha, thanks for watching!

Keep reviewing and go! I also wish all friends a smooth final exam and their ideal results!