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Take advantage of help reputation mistakes responsibility

LEGACY WARNING: This article was written when the author was 19 years old. The content mentioned might be immature or outdated, please evaluate accordingly.
This article has been translated using machine translator. It may not perfectly capture the nuances of the original text. I appreciate your understanding in this matter.

"Usually I will take the initiative to let them use me, and when I need them, I will use them, in fact, the relationship between people is such a relationship between using and being used." The shock of hearing this sentence for the first time is still remembered, and I can't imagine that such words would come from a girl who is usually eager to help others, and even silently bears those slightly unreasonable demands.

I don't know if there really is such a person in reality, but she appears alive in the novel, which makes me depressed and unable to understand her.

I remember that for a long time after that, I kept that lingering phrase in my mind, until finally, I seemed to understand something, this sentence should actually say, "Usually I will take the initiative to help others, when I need it, I will also ask for help from those I have helped, in fact, the relationship between people is such a relationship of mutual help."

Use, help, two words, one pejorative, one positive, but express the same meaning, create the same result, that is, accumulate fame.

I realized at a very young age that although the punishment after making a mistake is severe, it is impossible not to make a mistake, so it is very beneficial to accumulate some good reputation to exonerate myself after making a mistake. Accumulating some good reputation is really simple, just do what others ask you to do, don't do what others don't let you do, as long as this way, reputation will be there.

It was not until later that I found that it seems that the greater the reputation, the less likely it is to make mistakes, not human gods, but the pressure of fame makes you have to pay attention to your every move, and then naturally feel the pressure of fame until it makes people breathless, and then until you psychologically unload this burden.

Discovered, in fact, mistakes are really not a big deal, it is good to recognize that mistakes are corrected, and people are constantly making mistakes to accumulate experience and move forward slowly.

But I will only be indifferent to those mistakes that do not affect other people, and mistakes that affect others will always make me feel extremely embarrassed, and I think maybe this is a matter of responsibility, and many people do not want to take responsibility, because maybe a small mistake of oneself will make the entire person involved in their own responsibility affected by the mistake.

Watching the World Cup recently, I felt the importance of responsibility, everyone must bravely shoulder their responsibilities, and be worthy of the trust that the players have in them.