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The One Hundred and First Love [Part II]

LEGACY WARNING: This article was written when the author was 20 years old. The content mentioned might be immature or outdated, please evaluate accordingly.
This article has been translated using machine translator. It may not perfectly capture the nuances of the original text. I appreciate your understanding in this matter.

When I woke up, I could still see her sleeping face with tears.

I took out my watch and looked at the time, it was about half an hour before the opening time, and after thinking about it, it probably meant that we would have to wait at least an hour before leaving.

I was bored holding my cheeks, thinking about the problem, unconsciously, my eyes fell on the book, curiosity prompted me to take the book over, finally had the opportunity to look at the book carefully, under the cover of the big title, the picture does not seem to be particularly important, but simply drawing a couple hugging each other, there is indeed no need to delve into, and there are two lines of cover text written below,

"Even if you are leaving, please leave one last hug."

"Since you are parting, why nostalgia?"

It's really a sad story, but I think it's probably not too much different from those bubble love stories I've seen, it's just a coincidence, love, don't leave. I don't know who said it, sad stories, everyone doesn't want to, but it has the largest novel market, so even stories with happy endings will be required to change to sad endings before publication. Whether it's true or not I don't know, but what I do know is that most of the novels I see are so tragic that strong men can't help but cry.

I flipped through it aimlessly, and naturally turned to the page with the bookmark, and the clean homemade bookmark was printed in my eyes, and the green pen on it said "Self, Real", which is really difficult to guess. The following is also full of "positive" characters, a neat total of twenty, except for the last "positive" character that is still one painting left unfinished. What an amazing girl, and I seemed to be suddenly interested in her, who was always very curious.

The bang interrupted my train of thought, and quickly put her book in its original position like a child who made a mistake, only to suddenly remember that the sound just now was probably the sound of the library door opening, and suddenly lost what I did, unconsciously picked up my own book, turned to a page at random, and then slowly returned to her face from my own book. Suddenly found that she seemed to have the intention of waking up, and quickly withdrew her gaze to her book.

With a few small voices, I guessed that she had risen, and I naturally looked up at her, watching her rub her sleepy eyes, and watch her simply straighten her somewhat loose hair. Looking at this scene, for some reason, a sense of happiness arose in my heart, as if I was in a novel, just like a romantic couple described in the novel, the boy looked at the girl intently, until she finished putting on makeup and turned into a beautiful angel, and then...

I was busy with my own fantasies, but my eyes kept staring at her, and the girl who was found looking at her seemed to be embarrassed to turn her head away, and I quickly lowered my head, and a sense of guilt unconsciously emerged from the bottom of my heart, like a child who made a mistake, burying her head lower, but the wandering gaze, you can still see that she took out the mirror and comb from her bag, and I knew early on that this was a necessary item that girls carried at any time, and today it was truly verified.

Although my eyes fell on my own book, I couldn't fit anything in the book, and I kept thinking about all kinds of conversations that followed, and I knew that according to the next classic dialogue in the novel, I should ask her phone number and whether she had a boyfriend or something. But my personality seems to be completely different from most of the protagonists I've seen who say these kinds of things, and the heroes with similar personalities to mine seem to be lucky enough to have a girl who will ask him for his phone number and if he has a girlfriend.

It is a pity in my heart that a romantic encounter does not have a romantic dialogue, but maybe it is really the fate of people like me. I once thought about it when I was fine, I felt that ancient times were very good, there was a marriage since childhood, and when I grew up, I didn't have to be sad about this kind of thing, but unfortunately, this naïve idea was completely unformed by various arguments before I was officially an adult.

When her mind was still thinking wildly, she was interrupted by the sound of her getting up and pushing the chair, she stood up, I looked at her, and unconsciously stood up, I looked at her, it was the first time to look carefully from the front, although it was not as beautiful as the heroine in the usual novel, but after some simple tidying, you can feel that indescribable sense of beauty.

She took off the clothes I had draped over her yesterday, said thank you very softly, and then looked at me and waited for my movement. I quickly walked around the table to get my clothes.

After I received the clothes, she quickly began to pack up her things, only to see her take out a pen and draw a stroke on the bookmark I had seen just now, if I had not seen it beforehand, otherwise I would not have known that she must have drawn the last stroke of the twentieth "positive" character, could it be said that this was the hundredth night she slept here?

Very unexpectedly, she folded the newly drawn bookmark into a ball and held it in the palm of her hand.

I exclaimed in amazement and asked, "Huh? What are you doing? ”

She turned her face and smiled at me, then buried her head again, and said to me as she collected her things, "After reading, a hundred romance novels, the next love should be my own." ”

She packed her bag on her back and prepared to leave, took a few steps to leave, turned around and gently said thank you, and then looked at me as if waiting for my reaction. I really didn't know what else I could say except for the conditioned answer "It's okay", and I'm afraid that this conditioned answer seemed to be many times softer than hers, and even I didn't hear it clearly, presumably she thought I hadn't spoken yet, so I added "goodbye" very unnaturally.

It has been said that two parallel lines are not intersecting, and you should find your own intersecting line.

But I said that although the two intersecting lines should intersect, they can only intersect once, and you should find the parallel line that is very close to you.

I thought we were just two parallel lines far away, I was sitting on the ground here reading, she was sitting on the bench over there reading, and then until we each disappeared from this school, I didn't expect that these two parallel lines I thought would intersect, but, after all, there can only be one intersection of the intersection...

I still sat and read in that old position as always, but the difference was that her old position was empty, and I didn't see anyone sitting for half a month. This already unpopular room is even cooler.