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To the teacher

LEGACY WARNING: This article was written when the author was 18 years old. The content mentioned might be immature or outdated, please evaluate accordingly.
This article has been translated using machine translator. It may not perfectly capture the nuances of the original text. I appreciate your understanding in this matter.


After two failures, I couldn't help but doubt my abilities, and for a while, I couldn't even find my place. Every time I am mentioned something related to it, I always unconsciously feel a piercing pain.

Time is an all-powerful eraser.

So slowly I had to be a little more rational, and with my mother's guidance, I finally knew where I had failed.

In fact, I always knew that my psychological quality had never been very good, but I didn't expect that this point, coupled with my own excessive self-confidence, made me worse in the examination room.

When I entered the exam room with the determination to win, I told myself that I should be able to take the test with 400 points, of course, unexpectedly, that time just happened to be the "no wonder", just after reading the question, I felt that my confidence was greatly reduced, I felt that even 300 copies were dangerous, and my heart began to panic a little, so, after doing the first question, before I had time to check, I hurriedly entered the second question, so that my first question even "Null" forgot to output, the second question is complicated, but it is my strength, I am reluctant to lose, so I played for a long time, this question, which I thought could get a full score, forgot a taboo of the Informatics Olympiad - do not design test data after completing the question. From this point of view, there are not many points to get, so it fails. Fiasco...

Looking back on that, maybe the mentality affected me too much, but I didn't expect that in the third year of high school, I still entered the examination room with such a mentality, and just after reading the questions, I was very confident, thinking that I could get 400 points. Maybe it's my nervousness, maybe it's my fear of failure, maybe it's my mentality of rushing to finish the question, and I made a low-level mistake on the third question that I never made and shouldn't have made, and I opened an array of [1..30000, 1..30000], of course, multiple restarts laid the foundation for my failure.

So, I discovered the amazing fact that these failures were caused by my own mentality.

Cultural lessons

I remember the month after the first year of high school Olympiad, I learned quite desperately, squatting in the toilet every night with the emergency light to read, at twelve o'clock, the life teacher slept, I dared to return to the warm bed, and then continue to see a little before I reluctantly slept, that time I improved more than 300, the classmates in the dormitory said that this was the result of my evening reading, in fact, at that time I felt, maybe these two things are not much related, should be that time at night, I only read English and chemistry, English is my strongest point, No matter how much it is, chemistry is my weakest point, and due to my poor foundation in junior high school, I have not made substantial progress in chemistry. And what really made me improve was probably the nervous study mood, thinking that I had to "work overtime" at night, so I was more reluctant to waste time during the day, so I did those problems during the day, and only left some multiple-choice questions at night (due to the characteristics of the terrain, only multiple-choice questions can be left to be convenient to do).

When I got to a higher level, due to the improvement of the last time, I actually relaxed, followed by competitions, competitions, and then unconsciously relaxed myself, and then an online game of "Ragnarok" began to rise, every day at noon we have only two people in the dormitory, and the other dormitories are not much better, of course, there are more dormitories for all of them. So I felt a little fluttery in this "relaxed" environment, felt as if I was working a little harder than them, and of course, in the end, my class rank went up, while my age rank went down.

The informatics exam in my second year of high school was over, and I returned to my study life, and I missed too many classes, so I became very hard again.

Failure can ignite the flame of one's struggle, while time can exhaust the raw materials of the flame.

After coming to the branch school, due to distant reasons, our time became very abundant, so I changed my homework time at noon every day to game time, that is, every day at noon can see me in front of the computer in the classroom, I must be there programming, programming my games, my efficiency in doing programs is very high, so the students witnessed the growth of my games, and they could "try" every afternoon before class. Time passed hazyly, and the results fell so dimly.

Until the third year of high school, until things were a little bad, so I gave up some, but I couldn't give up all. Since there is a teacher "patrolling" in the dormitory now, and BT has to check whether the toilet has a light from outside the dormitory, there is no way, only to get up in the morning, so I can see my figure at the desk after four o'clock in the morning, of course, it is my classmates who think I am peculiar that I am still programming in the classroom at noon. On that exam, I took the first place in our dormitory, and they all said that it was the result of my homework at night, but I thought maybe they put it too loosely.

If a person likes something, he should make his heart able to put such a thing, but he should make himself willing to put such a thing down temporarily.

Until this last failure, I woke up, plucked up enough courage to start sprinting, I moved outside to rent a house, no longer bound by the life teacher, you can learn at night at two or three o'clock, if the next day the spirit is not good, a pack of coffee is solved, just like that, full of spirit to the eve of the high.