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LEGACY WARNING: This article was written when the author was 17 years old. The content mentioned might be immature or outdated, please evaluate accordingly.
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First of all, from a technical point of view, this film does not use too many dazzling special effects, but it attracts us with its unique artistic charm, especially some of the animation clips, smooth and exquisite natural transformation can not only artfully express the psychology of the protagonist, but also more deeply reflect its profound meaning. From the artistic point of view, this film is more like an opera performed by one person, but due to the language, I can't understand its connotation more deeply, but from the visual impact, I can see that the protagonist is a rebellion against the constraints of the wall, but it is also a meaningless rebellion, because in the end, after the wall is destroyed, a new generation will build it.

Later, I found this album and read the lyrics in it, only to understand its meaning more deeply, there was not a single line of dialogue in the entire movie, and there was no comprehensive plot clue to speak of. The film is just a constant switch of pictures, showing the inner world of the characters and the spiritual consciousness that the author intends to transmit in one shot. The perfect combination of picture and music makes this film unique, and the two parallel lines strongly and deeply analyze all levels of consciousness and various forms of thinking, reflecting the complex emotions of the characters, which is deeply impactful.

It does not have a complete storyline, and through the combination of music and pictures, it will intersperse plots to express ideas. It seems to be a messy interlacing, but it embodies stream-of-consciousness thinking even more. The animation effects added to the film also show the idea of this film very important. The destruction of war, the good and evil of human nature, and the destruction of spirit perfectly reflect the beauty and ugliness, the sacred and the dirty human nature in the animation effect. "The Wall" involves many things, war, human nature, education, family, gender relations, and even the crisis of children's psychological disorders and drugs are all discussed and paid attention to in the film. In particular, the anti-war consciousness of this film makes those who cannot escape the cruelty of reality have to build a wall for themselves to seek relief. The author does not use the educational methods of ordinary screenwriters, but allows the audience to explore the unique ideas contained in it in the full flaws, which can also be called a great psychological consciousness exploration film!

It compares the loneliness of the protagonist to a wall, in the world of the wall, the protagonist completely closes himself, he is addicted to his own space and cannot break out of the spiritual shackles, he is lonely and desperate and has no hope for life. He heals in the world of the wall, but bears more damage from outside the wall. His spiritual world was full of scars. This wall is not the only protagonist, everyone who lives in this world has their own wall for themselves. Walls are formed at every stage of their life journey, and this spiritual composition encloses them, becomes numb to extremes, grows as they grow, and eventually becomes broken. "The Wall" shows us the whole process of forming a wall. It is mainly based on inner contemplation, using the "wall" as a metaphor for the shackles of human nature, and after experiencing various setbacks and failures, it will no longer sink, no longer evade, and bravely break the shackles of the "wall" and move to a new world, which may be the real meaning.

A film shot in 1982 can express its profound meaning of revealing people's inner activities with such a simple and exquisite animation, which is worthy of being a masterpiece.