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Game Ideas and Production Issue 4

LEGACY WARNING: This article was written when the author was 15 years old. The content mentioned might be immature or outdated, please evaluate accordingly.
This article has been translated using machine translator. It may not perfectly capture the nuances of the original text. I appreciate your understanding in this matter.

This is how the game plan is practiced (preface)

After watching on the Internet for a long time, I feel that many tutorials are designed for programmers, and only a few, their own planning, or planning summary for novices to plan and learn, and many programmers do not pay enough attention to the position of planning, to the time of real programming, only to find that they are always bad here and there, in fact, planning is very important, it can be said that he is the soul of the entire game, the quality of the entire game, most of it depends on him, so these players once they find the bad things of the game, When I was ready to scold, the first thing to do was game planning, sad... 555555......

In addition to not paying enough attention, another great sadness of game planning is that many people (game maniacs, beginner players, and even people who don't understand games) think that planning is extremely good, but like editors, take a pen and write and write, if they just think like this, it would be good, but they don't, often scold some plans, only this, China does not know how much excellent planning has been lost, sad... 555555......

So planning must not only understand the game-related (programming, art, etc.) and incomplete (geography, astronomy, mythology, weapons, etc.), but also know how to manage the team and drive everyone, but I think the most important thing is to have extraordinary endurance and a broad mind. It is able to withstand the fierce attack of the "super player"!

In fact, I wanted to write this article for a long time, but in view of my planning skills, I belong to the rookie level, and I am afraid that I will die on the spot in the first round of attacks, so ah... Hehe, it's been put off until now, but now I'm going to start writing, but a few months later I'm still a rookie, and those months went to cope with the exam, so ah... Oh, I know, I tell you, you know, please tell me too!

I believe that rookies teach rookies, it should be faster and easier to understand!

I said my teaching arrangement, in the planning teaching, we will completely make a plan, in fact, this plan, I have written a small half, but now, I still decided to completely rewrite, firstly, to let everyone understand the whole process of a planning project, secondly, it can also make this plan more mature, thirdly, it can also let me transition from rookie to flying dragon, fourth... (Are you endless?) )

Well, no more nonsense, just remember that we plan to be obliged, dodge all attacks, and move forward bravely!

Profound! I almost forgot, the name of this plan is: "The Legend of Ice Magic", which is a bit like my screen name, right? Yes, my screen name comes from here! Hahaha...

PC Game Programming (1) [Extract]

Text omitted

Glacier Note: Maybe you've read this article, but do you have some feelings? Yes, you can tell me, no, then you can take another look, this article is good!

Developing GUIs in C++ and Directx (I)

Text omitted

Game literacy knowledge (1)

The basic type of game

  • ACT...... (ACTION GAME) Action game
  • STG...... (SHOTING GAME) A shooting game
  • FTG...... (FIGHTING GAME) A fighting game
  • SPG...... (SPORT GAME) Sports game
  • TAB...... (TABLE GAME) Table games
  • PUZ...... (PUZZLE GAME) Puzzle game
  • AVG...... (ADVENTURE GAME) Adventure game
  • RAC...... (RACE GAME) Racing game
  • PET...... (PET) Adult games and electronic pets
  • ETC...... (ETCTERA GAME) Other types of games

Super cool point - column description

Column Description:

Each issue of this column will introduce you to a new idea for game creation, of course, this idea may have been thought up by many people, but this column will also explore its feasibility, so I believe this column will still be helpful to you, but if you have a new idea, please don't hesitate, mail me! Even if you don't know game programming, it's okay, I'll take care of the feasibility analysis of your idea!

You know, players sometimes have a little bit, but they can't program it, and it's a pity that ideas are wasted; Sometimes programmers run out of ideas and can't come up with them! Therefore, it is necessary to complement each other's advantages!

Super cool point - suggestive action

In our RPG, there are often several NPCs who fight alongside the protagonist, whether those NPCs like the protagonist from the beginning or will like them (occasionally "they", hehe... There will always be a way to listen to the protagonist at the beginning, which is obviously a little unreal, in fact, it is very simple to make this real, hehe... Listen to me slowly!

The game "King Power" I don't know if you have played it, it can be said that this is a failed game, but its creativity can be borrowed, in "King Power", you can't directly control your troops, want them to "do things" for you - kill the enemy, you have to give them money. Chinese has been in love since ancient times, of course, you can't use money to let her do things for you, here just set an emotional index, when the emotional index is relatively high, your operation on NPCs, the success rate will be relatively high! (Please rest assured, the Girl NPCs in RPGs are always willing to the protagonist, and of course the emotional index between them is not mentioned - in fact, it was called "love index" at that time, hehe...)

Plus, a big bit, when she (occasionally "he", hehe... After death, according to the emotional index, the protagonist's attack power and agility (but note: there is no defense) can be appropriately improved. After all of them are killed, you can also determine whether the protagonists can escape based on the emotional index between the protagonist and the NPCs and the coldness index of the enemy. Of course, there is another one, that is, when the protagonist dies, he/her GF/BF comes to make an action on him/her (usually a kiss, so monotonous, in fact, kicking him/her twice, splashing cold water is also good, don't kill it, hehe... He/she was resurrected, and the affection between them increased exponentially, hehe...

Finally, if you're really dead and incorrigible, don't show a "GAME OVER", it's too uncreative, show a "Welcome to the fantasy heven!" It will all be better! If you can design a map of heaven, there is an old man standing next to it (it should be an immortal!). He told you why you are incorrigible, is it because the relationship with NPCs is not good, or when you encounter enemies, you don't know how to... Hahaha... The more I talk about it, the more I digress, and I don't talk about it.

All those not marked "[excerpt]" are articles of the Ice Magician, all rights reserved, if you need to reprint, please notify me and attach the source!

If your article is reproduced and your copyright is seriously damaged, please let me know and I will immediately apologize to you and try to recover the loss!

is written at the end

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